When it comes to digital marketing, there are many ways you can grow your audience. Perhaps the most well-known strategy is search engine optimization (SEO), which is a catch-all term for the efforts you take to push your website to Google’s top results page. SEO is versatile, and you can incorporate its elements into your more content-based strategies. The most obvious example is creating written content including trending keywords—aka the popular search terms that people are typing into Google right now.
Is creating written content an effective digital marketing strategy? Of course, it is—and that goes double if you weave popular keywords into your text. So, from the perspective of a healthcare marketing agency, sharing fitness tips will absolutely boost your online visibility, provided the content is relevant to the service you provide. If you think your healthcare website could use a little creative content, VIS Health is a medical marketing agency that can bring the goods. Contact us to take advantage of our content services!
Why is written content important?
Whether it’s informative web content or a series of blog posts, the written content is a great digital marketing strategy. Although some believe it’s best to keep their ‘trade secrets’ hidden—and, depending on the context, this isn’t an unfair point—consumers tend to trust more transparent brands. Moreover, if you share what you know, you’re showcasing your credibility. Remember in school when teachers would press you to support your claims with textual evidence? Written content is the digital marketing equivalent of this practice!
Written content is also great from an SEO perspective—and not just because of the keywords you’ve incorporated into the text. If your website is generating new content on a regular basis, it shows that you’re digitally savvy and active around your website. You don’t view your website as utilitarian, but rather as an active platform to demonstrate your keen interest in your own industry. Not only does this make you look switched on, but it boosts your search ranking.
If you’ve ever played around with Google’s search filters, you’ll notice you can limit your results to pages posted within the past week, the past day, and even the past hour. The world of technology moves very fast, and posting regular updates is a great way to stay relevant in the eyes of your readers—and, of course, Google.
Does sharing fitness tips help in healthcare marketing?
Keyword optimization does come with a catch. If you use too many keywords, Google will detect this and penalize your website by ensuring it does not appear on the top results page. Moreover, keywords will not always sound organic in a sentence. So, if you try to insert them into a sentence where it sounds forced or artificial, this can hurt your credibility.
Most importantly, though, keywords must be relevant. Resist the urge to ‘cash in’ on trending keywords that have little to do with your industry, or else Google will likely pick this up and penalize your website. What does this have to do with sharing fitness tips? Well, our advice surrounding this depends on how relevant fitness is to your field. From an allied health marketing agency’s perspective, we cannot give the blanket advice of sharing fitness tips as not all healthcare fields relate back to fitness.
For example, if you run a dental clinic, fitness will not be your focus. If you post blog content featuring fitness tips, people will wonder why you’re on a tangent that has little to do with teeth or mouth health. However, if you run a physiotherapy clinic, fitness tips could be quite relevant to your work. Whatever you post online, it’s important to stay relevant and on-brand. Knowing your niche and remaining relevant go hand-in-hand!
Digital marketing for a medical practice is more straightforward. General practitioners (GPs) treat a range of medical conditions, so online content should reflect this more generalist approach. In this case, we all know that exercise is an important aspect of physical health, and GPs would likely dispense fitness tips often. Because of this overarching relevance, sharing fitness tips would definitely help your digital marketing efforts in this case. There are likely other relevant topics, too, that you could also discuss in your blog.
So, what’s the takeaway?
We opened with the question of whether sharing fitness tips helps healthcare marketing, and we came around to the answer that it depends on the context. This is the case with most things! If fitness relates to your particular healthcare field, then we would encourage you to share your fitness tips. If you work in a healthcare field that does not relate to exercise, though, you should skip out on this topic. However, that is not to say that you shouldn’t post relevant content to your website or social media platforms. On the contrary, new and relevant content is a powerful form of SEO.